Orville Les Paul Goldtop Reviews 5

Purchased in 2003 from an American in Japan for CDN$1000 (includes cost to ship). I had picked up a Gibson LP a couple of weeks earlier and had to have one. I heard great things about Orville and thought I'd try one.

It is EVERYTHING a Gibson USA LP is in terms of fit and feel. I changed the humbuckers to Gibson USA pups and I'm certain a blindfolded Gibson freak couldn't tell the difference in how it plays & sounds!

Nothing to complain about

The construction, materials and workmanship rivals Gibson USA without question. Note: there are two eras of Orville guitars - "Orville" and "Orville by Gibson". My Goltop is an Orville. I cannot comment on the other ones.

If you want a Gibson but don't have the money - buy Orville... you won't be disappointed!

topek rated this unit 5 on 2004-01-27.

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